jeudi 29 avril 2010

Open your eyes

Bending down

Strolling through the ordinary
Drums rumbling in my ears
Vocals calling to a new reality

Unwinding on the pavement
A musical
Short stories unveiling as my steps pass by
Anonymous faces vanishing long before the day will die

An imaginary moment
A few seconds of shinny purple sky

Drums rumbling in my ears
Vocals calling to a new reality
Granting my morning crowd
With a sudden touch of humanity

dimanche 25 avril 2010

The Sonic Bed

La galerie Oboro présente jusqu'à la fin mai le fameux "Sonic Bed", le plus récent projet mis au point par l'artiste Kaffe Matthews. Un lit pour 3 personnes qui "génère" de la musique et dont la construction contient :

- 8 haut-parleurs sur les côtés du lit
- 6 sub woofers sous le matelas

Une bande sonore version québécoise a été préparée pour l'occasion.

Une exposition transcendante aux dires de certains puisque le lit réussit à véhiculer de basses fréquences qui sont immédiatement ressentis par notre corps (très différemment de ce que nos oreilles peuvent percevoir)

Un ménage à 3 pour les plus curieux d'entre vous

mardi 20 avril 2010

Old Spice

Thanks to my friend Madeline, my advertising culture has been brought up to speed this morning.
I love this ad !

jeudi 15 avril 2010

Charlotte Gainsbourg - IRM

J'étais assise sur le balcon l'autre soir

Quelques lueurs à peine dans la rue

Concentrée à écouter les sonorités nouvelles qui s'appropriaient mes oreilles

Les bombardant de bourdonnements

Leur infligeant le beat contagieux d'un album enveloppant

Et quel album
À réserver pour une écoute bien isolée du monde entier

dimanche 4 avril 2010

When science meets compassion

Compassion is the word of honour this week

For those of you who aren't already aware, I am spending a week up North with my father and his wife Jean to help them out in what we could call those "challenging" times for them.

Funny enough, while sitting back and relaxing on the bus taking me to my weeks' destination, I came across an article about how scientists and researchers are thoroughly studying how to bring out the best of sentient beings. Those studies are taking place at the Center for Compassion and Altruist Research and Education at Stanford University (CCARE) and are conducted by scientists coming from all fields : phsychologists, neuroscientists, physicians and religious scholars. The objective of CCARE is to find answers as to where altruist resides, both through brain and behaviour studies of people from various paths of life, out of which you will find of course meditation practitioners. If results are indeed found, how can we extrapolate and create training to make us more compassionate. I found this article very interesting simply because it exposes a global issue (in those time of profound violence) from the bright side of things, instead of the opposite.

To learn more, visit

Hopefully, this post will reach both my rationnal and spiritual minded readers :o)